Headlines of Hope

With 24-hour, round-the-clock news we are now, more than ever, aware of what is happening around the world.

However, we’re surrounded by news of conflict, health problems and politics which seldom produces positive, uplifting stories.

In an effort to lighten what can be a very dark subject, we decided to focus on the positives of our work rather than the negatives, we wanted to highlight our ‘Headlines of Hope’.

For example, 66% of our service users suffer from mental health difficulties, but, we employ a Mental Health Floating Support Worker who supports these people.

You can read more headlines of hope in our Annual Summary 2014. We also made a video to accompany our Annual Summary, which also gives you ideas of ways you can get involved in our work. Whether that’s through volunteeringfundraising or financial support, every little helps, as we strive to write even more headlines of hope.

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