Diving for Hope!

Ian Banfield will be jumping 13,000 feet on 26th July to raise money for New Hope. Ian is one of the our regular volunteer drivers, regularly picking up donated food from Costco and delivering it to our accommodation services, which provide a safe place to stay for over 50 people every night.

Ian explained his motivation for the skydive: “I thought jumping out of a plane would be a great opportunity to overcome my fear of heights as well as raising some much-needed funds to help local people who have fallen on hard times.”

Rebecca Palmer, New Hope’s Fundraising and Communications Manager, said: “We are so grateful for Ian’s courage in facing his fears and taking part in this skydive – rather him than me! New Hope’s fundraisers and volunteers, such as Ian, are essential to our work in preventing homelessness in the Watford area and we’d like to say a big thank you to Ian and everyone who sponsors him.”

If you would like to fundraise for New Hope, please get in touch with Rebecca on rpalmer@newhope.org.uk

Rebecca Palmer