Volunteers' Week - Thank you to all our amazing volunteers!

Volunteers’ week is the perfect opportunity for us to say thank you to some of the amazing volunteers at New Hope and to celebrate their life-changing contributions. New Hope has over 75 year-round volunteers and would like to say thank you to each and every person - from the street outreach team, to cooks at the Haven, to our shop volunteers, to food delivery drivers, to administration, fundraising, governance and leadership. Thank you!

In addition to our regular staff, we have also had many seasonal projects over the last six months which has required additional volunteers to ensure their success. To the Watford Winter Shelter and Christmas dinner volunteer cooks, thank you.

Volunteers’ week also provides us with a good opportunity to find out why our volunteers love working at New Hope and what inspires and motivates them:

Jacqui, a Croxley Green shop volunteer describes her experience of first joining New Hope and why she continues to volunteer: “I first came across New Hope when looking online for volunteer opportunities. I called into the Croxley shop a few days later and the staff were welcoming and friendly, having a banter and laughing. The atmosphere was good, so I talked to the manager and was encouraged to apply. Every day at the shop is different, but a typical shift involves helping to open the shop, putting some items on display, working on the till, and going through donations. The shop is a community hub in Croxley. I’m really enjoying my volunteering; it gives me a sense of self-worth; I get to meet new people and make friends, as well as helping my local community.“

Watford shop volunteer Linda Leaver expresses her love for volunteering: “I’ve volunteered at the shop for 30 years and I love that every day is different. It’s really rewarding to serve the community in this way, getting to meet different people, providing a valuable service by giving goods to those in need. Whether you can offer an hour of your time, a week or a month, it makes all the difference.”  

To find out more about volunteering opportunities at New Hope, click the link below.

During Volunteers’ Week we will be celebrating our team at this year’s New Hope Team Conference. Volunteers and staff from all departments and services will be gathering to focus on being together, sharing thanks and getting to know one another.

Jade Jones